Firstly, massive congratuilations to the two Aces this week, both on the 15th hole, and both negating the need for any disputes about who was nearest the pin (luckily they were on separate days)
I've talked about the odds before, and suffice to say it is highly unlikely getting one hole in one,, the odds are astronomical for two in the same week
I have to admit to suffering a bit from a lack of inspiration this week: I could go on about our VP's wonderful tee shot on the 4th, the one that ended up 6 feet from the hole and was then instantly put in the shade by Doop putting his shot 2 feet closer. Neither an Ace though.
I could mention that I have finally found out why Don wears that thing on his arm, as I have now joined him - a diagnosis of Tennis Elbow from the Physio, who informed me that I must have changed something in my swing to cause it - I happened to mention that I had been turning the club over recently and drawing the ball. Very kindly she assumed that I was doing it on purpose, the various balls that have gone out of bounds on the 11th testify to the fact that that is not the case. The measured response to this was "Stop being crap then"
If only it was that easy
On a domestic note, I could mention that our washing machine had a fit on the weekend and began sending plumes of white smoke out, meaning that our Suinday afternoon was spent running around town looking for a replacement. We found one, but while I can understand that it would be hard to get excited or enthusiastic about selling a domestic appliance, some semblence of a pulse while dealing with members of the public is surely not too much to ask?
Of the two places we enquired at, neither of the so-called "Sales Assistants" were inclined to 'assist' with anything, let alone a sale. Normally you can put this down to a lack of pride or care from the younger generation, the "I want it Yesterday Generation" as I have started to call them; but both of the ones we saw were of a more, mature vintage, and I have to wonder why they had bothered showing up at all.
The lights were on (dimly), but no-one was home.
Anyway, the replacement is in and the Everest competing mountain my kids seem to generate on a daily basis will be dealt with once we have found some oxygen to combat the altitude sickness.
Stay safe, play well and I'll hopefully see you out there soon